On estimate, there are 22.7% of people who are interested in anal sex. It is noted according to the last study on anal sex.
22% is a huge group from the total population. As we know, anal sex is penetration of the penis in the anus that is unnatural. But many people love to do this. Well, to engage in anal intercourse is not safe at all, if you do not take precaution too.
Anal intercourse can lead to many anal sex disease because it is anus provide a pleasant tight penetration and anus has huge collecting of nerve tissue that gets damage and infects easily by bacteria.
Common Anal sex disease.
According to CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), anal sex has the highest risk of HIV transmission.
We all aware of the HIV term, it is not new. HIV is a Human Immunodeficiency Virus that affect the immune system directly so human lost their ability to fight any of disease and infection. This is the HIV virus that transmitted from one body to another. HIV is most likely infected in the bottom partner.
It is a little difficult to find HIV illness by their symptoms.
Infected men or women just experience the flu for about 2-6 weeks. Most probably only for 2 weeks. After that, they get normal but still, HIV is on the body and it will damage your immune system.
That’s why doctor suggests testing the HIV test if you are having unnatural sex. Many people’s do not know they are infected and dies.
Syphilis is the bacteria infection that spread through sex. It transmitted from one infected person to another. IT can cause permanent damage if can’t get treatment.
Syphilis is serious diseases, it can be cured. It causes sores on the genitals. It can be treated by a short course of antibiotics.
- Small and painless sores on vagina, penis, anus or mouth.
- Redness and itching on the palm of hands and feet.
- Small skin growth around the erogenous zones
- Joint pain, headache, fever, etc.
Colon Perforation
Usually, it is rear, but it is common and can be too harmful. While penetrating anal, you can penetrate your colon and causes a hole. It leads to heavy rectal bleeding and pain. Colon Perforation is only cured by surgical repair.
Heavy bleeding from the anus.
Chlamydia is one of STI. It is common in young peoples and teenager. Chlamydia is caused by having unprotected sex. Women get Chlamydia in the cervix, rectal and throat and whereas men get inside the penis, rectal and throats.
Chlamydia causes permanent damage to the reproductive organs that is not good for sexual life.
Lesser people feel the symptoms of Chlamydia. The most basic symptoms are pain and burning during pee, the pain just after having sex, abnormal vaginal discharge in the women, abnormal discharge from penis and rectum, pain and swelling in the men’s testicles.
Genital Warts
It is also kind of sexually transmitted infection. Peoples get infect to genital warts due to contact of vagina, anal and oral sex.
Symptoms can be painless lumps around the vagina pr penis or anus, rashes or itching around the erogenous zones, colour change of pee.
Hepatitis, Genital Herpes, Gonorrhea, Haemorrhoids, etc
How to reduce the risk of anal disease?
If you are interested and involved in the anal sex and want to keep yourself healthy, you should know about the Pre and Post precaution to get over anal diseases.
Condom and Lubricant
Using condom and lubricant is one of a common way to protect yourself from HIV and various STI disease. As we know condom is necessary for the vagina penetration to protect the sperm to enter in the egg, in the same way, condom is important for anal penetration to protect the penis and anus to get infected by the bacteria.
Latex and Polyurethane male condom are highly effective in the STI. It is noted that the use of condom reduces the risk of HIV and STI.
It is not about the use of only once, you should use condom and lubricant every time when you are having anal sex.
Where lubricant like a water-based lubricant and silicone-based lubricant prevent you from condom breakage and tissue tearing.
PrEP is daily medication and many of gay couples are taking it. It is quite famous in India with increase the gay couples and gay anal sex. PrEP highly effective for HIV. Men who are at high risk of HIV and take PrEP daily medication to enjoy anal sex without any worry.
PrEP stands for Pre-Expose Prophylaxis. As I said, it is highly effective for anal sex when medication is followed properly.
If you are involving in it, you should take it on a daily basis and of course still should use a condom for more safety.
PEP is Post Exposure Prophylaxis. It is post medication that is used to treat HIV.
If you get exposed to HIV and want to prevent yourself to get infected, then PEP is the solution. It is an emergency situation and must be started within 72 hours right after HIV expose. PEP is also effective for STI but not 100%.
Careful with Oral Sex.
Careful to choose your oral sex activity and timing. You should choose less riskier oral sex activity.
If you want to have oral sex, then should start with it. It is not good to have oral sex between or after the anal sex. The transmission of bacteria is increased likewise.